Thanks for racing with us on Sat 27 May 2023 at Forster in the TriNSW Club Championships. This is No 2 of 3 race updates. Please read the updates to make sure you are well informed on any changes. 
At H Events we are excited to work with TriNSW and the whole NSW Triathlon Club network to make this race a safe, exciting and fun event. With limited options to make large scale changes in Forster, there are only some small changes to the event from previous years. These include:
  1. The bike course will no longer use Cliff Rd, but wil continue for 1km along Kularoo Rd to a turn point. 
  2. While we will continue to cross the iconic Forster Bridge, due to a large market in Tuncurry on race day, the run course will not run all the way into Tuncurry. The run course will turn shortly after crossing the bridge and return to use part of the southern Forshore as the run course. 
  3. A video Race Briefing is available at the bottom of this mail. Please watch this, as there is limited opportunity for lengthy briefings with the rolling starts. 
See further information below. 
Race Entry Reminder. Entries close
5pm - Wed, 24 May 2023!
If you have friends or family who have still not entered, please pass them on this email and tell them to 'get moving'!! 
Volunteering Reminder. Limited spots still open!
Got friends or family who are NOT racing but want to represent your Club? Then sign them up for one of the volunteer roles. There are limited spots still available. It all adds to the Clubs points tally!!...and the fun!
Thanks to our sponsors and supporters

Race Kit Collection and Parking:

Race kits can be collected from Town Park off Oyster Parade, Forster from 3.00pm - 7.00pm on Friday 26 May OR from 5.30am on Saturday 27 May. Race admin is in the event compound and finish area. Parking on Friday is around Oyster Parade and Main Beach, however DO NOT park in this area on Saturday! Please park away from the event precinct on Saturday. DO NOT PARK IN DRIVEWAYS or on the COURSE!!!!!

Relay Teams can be collected by one member, but all members must have signed the waiver, if someone else entered you. Individuals also need to agree and sign this form if you did not complete the entry online. See notes on relays below. 

Event Compound Notes:

  1. Located at Town Park off Oyster Parade, Forster. The Compound includes:
    1. All admin, medical, small sport expo and Club team tents  
    2. Contact ja@hevents.com.au to book a tent site. Make sure you bring weights!
    3. Bike Compound (just 100m opposite at Main Beach car park) 
    4. Closest Food and Drinks will be Beach Bums Cafe next to the bike compound and swim start. Please support this venue, as we close off access to their business for the morning. 
    5. Likewise Pluge Cafe and Lets Get Baked on 21 Boundary St are locked in during the event. Maybe support them pre and or post events if you are keen for something yummy!

Approx Race Starts Times

Swims starts will be 'rolling starts' with a few swimmers taking off from the beach at regular intervals. The exact times will be available once we have final entries, but generally the following parterns will be used:
  1. Club Distance - 7.00 - 8.00am  
    1. Males 30-39
    2. Females 30-39
    3. Males 60+
    4. Females 50+
    5. Males 50-59
    6. WAVE PAUSE for 20 Min 
    7. Males U30
    8. Males 40-44
    9. Males 45-49
    10. Females 40-49
    11. Females U30
  2. Half Club Distance - 9.00am
    1. U16 Females
    2. U16 Males
    3. 16+ Females
    4. 16+ Males
    5. Relay Teams
    6. Fun Wave - swim aids etc and pool swim posssible
  3. Juniors 12-13 - 10.15am
    1. Males
    2. Females
  4. Juniors 7- 9 - 10.45am
    1. Males
    2. Females
  5. Juniors 10-11 - 11.00am
    1. Males 
    2. Females

Relay Teams

  1. Relay team members will need to wait at the bike to swap the timing chip. Please:
    1. Only have one member waiting at the bike at any time
    2. Consider other competitors entering and exiting when you leave the area
    3. DO hang around the finish chute to join your mates for the finish. 
  2. Make sure you have signed the waiver if you did not enter yourself. Download HERE  It can be brought on race day or emailed to admin@hevents.com.au

Swim Details 

The swim is at Main Beach Forster for all adults and in the Ocean Baths (just 150m away) for all Juniors. The full course will be 2 laps of a rectanglar course and one lap for half distance. The tide will be low. We will update you on forecast conditions in the final update. Water Temperature is around 21 degrees, so currently wetsuits are optional. Forster SLSC Club will be on hand with a large contingent of Rescue Boats and Paddlers. The Juniors will have a small seperate bike area next to the Ocean Baths. 

Cycle Notes

The course leaves from Main Beach Forster and rides south along North St to a turn point on Head St. From that turn point riders do 3 laps (for the long course) which meander through the streets of Forster. A substantial traffic management plan is in place and over 45 traffic controllers, police and marshals will be in place. The roads are not closed to residents, however we have various plans in place to minimise the traffic at any time. Please take care to watch for rouge traffic on the course. The short course turns before Cliff St. The juniors 7-11y only use North St for their bike leg. 

Run Notes

The run leg is 2 loops for the full course. The first loop is 3.8km and the final loop is 4.2km (note a correction from last email) . The course is mostly flat except for the slight rise crossing the beautiful Forster Bridge. There are a few skinny sections of the run course. Please adjust your speed to navigate these safely. 
run leg maitland tri

Transition Notes

The transition area is split into Club Distance Wave 1 and Wave 2, and also Half Distance. This means Wave 2 and Half Distance can still enter the compound after the first waves have started. Be conscious of the other competitors when appraching the area. The Junior (7-13 years) compound is located at the southern end of Main Beach next to the pool.

Party Notes

The Famous Club Champs end of season Party will be held at Club Forster, 19 Strand St from 6.30pm. Just arrive and the party begins with DJ, points score winner annoucements and more!!
Please pass on to relay competitors. More updates next week. See you soon
For information email paul@hevents.com.au or call 49348138
h events


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Posted by: Paul Humphreys
23 May 2023

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