Race update 29 July 2020

We have recently met with local stakeholders of our events and would like to announce that, subject to NO further restrictions being imposed in the Hunter Region, that our events planned for 2020 can proceed with 3 main area of change:
- Reduced participation numbers
- Increased social distancing and self-exclusion of at risk groups
- New operational initiative to manage gathering numbers including;
- Larger event footprints
- Multiple start and finish precincts
- Smaller start groups and on course protocols
- Reduced or no pre and post event activities.
- Given the uncertain nature of the events we have decided to give a refund guarantee for all events if they cannot proceed due to increased restrictions
- The events we plan to sage include:
- Quarry Mining Wollombi Wild Ride – on Sat 26 Sept (3 weeks later than usual)
- Mine Super NewRun – Newcastle Running Festival on the already postponed date of Sun 11 Oct
- River - Maitland River Run – Sun 1 Nov
- Quarry Mining Maitland Triathlon at Morpeth– Sun 8 Nov
- Varity Santa Fun Run Newcastle – planned for 6 Dec, but not yet confirmed.
- We have made this decision given the likelihood that restrictions of some form will likely be in place for some time and we just need to learn to behave differently to retain some of our most treasured lifestyle experiences.
- So, with entries limited and your entry fee guaranteed, get on line at www.hevents.com.au and enter your favour event local. We will send you detailed COVID safe event plans in the lead up.
- We will offer the best event we can and we ask you to behave responsibly when attending these events, which includes not attending if you are unwell or in a high risk COVID area.
- We look forward to seeing you Racing in the Hunter soon.
If you have any concerns, contact me on paul@hevents.com.au