Sparke Helmore 2019 24th Feb 60


H Events
Sparke Helmore Triathlon.... entries open!

After the relaxation of the NSW Health COVID Community Sports rules for Mass Gatherings, the 28th annual Sparke Helmore Newcastle City Triathlon can again be staged under a COVID safe event plan. We welcome old and new participants alike to the event, to be staged on one of the best triathlon courses in Australia, including the City, Harbour Foreshore, Parks and Beaches of Newcastle.

Our event has been fortunate to have missed the peak of the COVID crisis and we are keen to stage a successful COVID safe event on Sun 21 Feb 2021. There will be some small changes to the event to make it COVID safe and improve the general logistics of the event. These include:

  1. The Event Compound will now be located from the western end of Foreshore Park, just East of Watt St. This will allow traffic to flow more freely in Newcastle and also move the event away from the crowded Queens Wharf precinct. We are however located next to the Habour and the Customs House and Station venues.
  2. The swim entry and exit will be at Customs House jetty and due to the change in tides this year, the swim leg for all swims heads west along the foreshore and returns with the tide.
  3. The cycle course has been amended to make up the lost distance on the western end by adding Fort Drive to the course on the way back. This is an exciting and scenic section that traverses historic Fort Scratchley.  
  4. The run leg will be extended to include part of the newly renovated Macquarie Pier (AKA Nobbys break-wall).
  5. There will be some fenced areas for competitors only and a limited number of spectators will be allowed into the event area, to comply with the current Mass Gathering rules.
  6. Due to the construction work at the South Newcastle Beach Foreshore, we will need to use Watt St to access and leave King Edward Park for the Standard/Olympic and Sprint distance events.
  7. The Enticer distance does not include King Edward Park and is still quite flat, however does include the climb around Fort Drive.

We look forward to welcome you to this exciting COVID safe Newcastle event. Entries open below. 



Sunday 20 DEC - 11.59pm. 
Let you friends, colleagues or family know that EARLY BIRD entry prices will END as above. Tell them to GET MOVING!
Important Dates/Times in 2021
  1. Sun, 7 Feb, (midnight) - standard entry fees and shirt offer close
  2. Wed, 17 Feb, (midnight) - on-line entries closing
  3. Sat, 20 Feb, 10 - 4.30pm - race kit collection, late entries (if not sold out). 
  4. Sat, 20 Feb, 2pm - Race Director Q and A for any participant
  5. Sun, 21 Feb, 5am - race kit collection, late entries, sport expo.  
  6. Sun, 21 Feb - race starts (race briefing always 15 min before on the Wharf)
    1. 6.30am - Olympic/Standard Triathlon (subject to light) . Note: new swim location.  
    2. 8.15am - Sprint Triathlon 
    3. 9.45am - Enticer Triathlon
    4. 11.30am - Race Presentations
Note all activities are based around Newcastle Foreshore East of Watt St. 
Frequently asked questions. 
  1. Where is the new event compound - It is located in the western end of Foreshore Park near Customs House on the crn of Wharf Rd and Watt St. 
  2. Can I wear a wetsuit? - Yes if the water temp is under 24 degrees celsius. (Except for the 1500m swim, which is 22 degrees celsius.)
  3. Do I have to wear a swim cap in the swim? - Yes, it is a safety requirement. They are supplied and colour coded for your wave start. 
  4. What sort of bike do I need? - any roadworthy bike and an Australian Standard helmet. Don't think you need a fancy bike. There are plenty of MTB's and hybrids on course. 
  5. Can one person pick up the team kits?- Yes, if all team members have signed or agreed to the race waiver. Available HERE or on race day. 
  6. Can I change a team member? - Just email to make a change up to the Wednesday. On race weekend, just make sure the person has signed the waiver. Download HERE
  7. Were can I park? - There is plenty of paid parking in Argyle St and Bolton St parking stations and free weekend parking on the crn of the Honeysuckle and Hannel St. The tram will be working from Wickham interchange from 5.20am for spectators. Bikes are not allowed on the tram. Just ride them!
  8. Where do team members meet to change over? - Cyclists and Runners wait in the bike compound at their bike. You will be instructed were on race day. You must change over the timing chip. 
  9. Can I wear shoes from the swim to the bike compound? - Yes just leave some thongs or old joggers at the swim exit (out of the way of other swimmers). 
  10. Can we bring a team tent to the event? Yes, team marquees are available for hire or you can bring your own. Contact for more information. You must book to allow sufficient space. 
Check out our promotional video. 
Need more answers. Contact local Event Director Paul on 49348138 or .


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Posted by: Paul Humphreys
16 December 2020

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