Viewing entries posted in August 2014

Triathlon Swim Safety risk assessment process

With recent news items regarding marine animal activity around Newcastle beaches, we wish to clarify the events position on assessing and managing risks around the swim leg. Participant safety is of utmost importance in this events...


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Paul Humphreys
11 February 2015

Australia Day Swim Newcastle CANCELLED

The Annual Across the Harbour Swim on Australia Day has been cancelled for 2015 due to water conditions and other safety concerns. See

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Paul Humphreys
23 January 2015

Bay Adventure gets even more adventurous

If you are looking for a little adventure then the bay is the place to find it. A 9km kayak leg has replaced the original swim leg of the Adventure race and the format now features a kayak leg, mountain bike ride and run.

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21 January 2015

Nobbys2Newcastle Ocean Swim postponed and why ocean swimming can be beneficial

The Nobbys2Newcastle Ocean Swim will now be held on February 21 after dangerous surf forced the postponement of the 2km open water event, originally set down for December 13.

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21 January 2015

Big Beach Challenge joins Surfest

The Big Beach Challenge will enjoy top billing on Surfest Sunday with this year’s event to be held on the finals day of Newcastle’s festival of surfing on February 28 2016.

Big Beach Challenge organiser Paul Humphreys is excited by the new partnership and believes it is a step towards the event becoming one of the country’s classic sand runs.

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21 January 2015