Event Update NEWS

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Event Updates No 1 of 3 - We are go!
After a few 'stops and starts' we are all good to go for this year's event. Below is some news and tips on our upcoming 12th annual Wollombi Wild Ride Mountain Bike Event in the Hunter - set for Saturday 26 Sept (3 weeks later than usual). PLEASE NOTE IN PARTICULAR THE COVID MEASURES BELOW THAT MAY AFFECT YOUR ABILITY TO TRAVEL TO THE EVENT. Check it out and feel free to contact us via phone or email for any questions. 

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Paul Humphreys
9 September 2020

NewRun 2020 - CANCELLED

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Hi Racers
It is with regret that we inform you that we must cancel the event for 2020. After proposing various amendments to the event format in order to comply with the current COVID health orders, and after consultation with various health and other authorities, we have come to the conclusion that our event is just too large and too complex to fit within the current or expect future Health orders. We thank the City of Newcastle events team, NSW Health/Ambulance and Police for their assistance in making this decision in the interests of Public Health. 
In particular we want to thanks you, the runners, for your patience in these difficult times. We also would like to thank our sponsors City of Newcastle, Marathon Tyres, Hunter Valley Orthodontics, Newcastle Herald and Queens Wharf Brewery for their support in these uncharted waters of a pandemic crisis. And finally a big thanks our passionate crew and the local volunteers and suppliers. Together, we are here for the long haul... and will get through this crisis.  MORE BELOW
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Paul Humphreys
24 August 2020



As at today 20 Aug 2020 we are reviewing the event planned for Sun 11 Oct 2020. We have made various operational and COVID changes to the format, which we believe will allow us to stage the event safely and within current COVID rules, however these have not yet been accepted by Authorities. We will have a final update by 26 Sept 2020.

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20 August 2020

New Community Sport Recommendations

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We are currently assessing and seeking clarification as to the implications of this most recent Health recommendation to not allow participants from outside our region to participate in this event. 

We will make an announcement shortly, but in the meanwhile, if you are from outside the broader Hunter, Newcastle and Central Coast Regions, please hold off entering, until we have clarity.


Paul Humphreys

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Paul Humphreys
20 August 2020

Race update 29 July 2020

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We have recently met with local stakeholders of our events and would like to announce that, subject to NO further restrictions being imposed in the Hunter Region, that our events planned for 2020 can proceed with 3 main area of change: READ MORE BELOW

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Paul Humphreys
29 July 2020